Amazon ML Summer School Previous Year Questions: Check Now 2024


Amazon ML Summer School Previous Year Questions: Check Now 2024

The demand for skilled professionals in Machine Learning (ML) is skyrocketing. From optimizing product recommendations to personalizing user experiences, ML is revolutionizing industries and shaping the future of technology. To bridge the gap between talent demand and availability, Amazon India has launched the much-awaited 4th edition of its Free Machine Learning Summer School and in this post we will share Amazon ML Summer School Previous Year Questions


This immersive program provides engineering students in India with a unique opportunity to gain hands-on experience and practical knowledge in ML from industry experts – Amazon scientists themselves.

Read More: 5 Free Online Coding Courses by Google, Linkedin Learning & Github Experts

Why Participate in Amazon ML Summer School 2024?

Here are some compelling reasons why you should consider enrolling in this free program:

  • Master in-demand skills: Gain proficiency in core ML concepts and technologies, including algorithms, deep learning frameworks, and cloud computing platforms used in real-world applications.
  • Industry-oriented learning: The curriculum is designed by Amazon ML professionals and aligns with current industry trends, ensuring the knowledge gained is directly applicable to the workplace.
  • Learn from the best: Be mentored by experienced Amazon scientists who will guide you through theoretical concepts and practical exercises, fostering a deeper understanding of the subject.
  • Network with peers and professionals: Connect with a vibrant community of fellow aspiring ML engineers and build valuable connections within the industry.
  • Boost your career prospects: The program equips you with the skills and knowledge to confidently pursue a career in ML, making you a strong contender for internships and job opportunities in the field.
Amazon ML Summer School Previous Year Questions: Check Now 2024

Amazon ML Summer School Previous Year Questions

Part A – Basic ML concepts and math fundamentals on topics such asprobability, statistics and linear algebra

  1. Two squares are chosen at random on a chessboard. What is the probability that they
    have a side in common?
    a) 8/13 b) 17/18 c) 5/13 d) 1/18
  2. The police plans to enforce speed limits during morning rush hour on four different
    routes into the city. The traps on routes A, B, C, and D are operated 40%, 30%, 20%,
    and 30% of the time, respectively. Biff always speeds to work, and he has probability
    0.2, 0.1, 0.5, and 0.2 of using those routes. What is the probability that he’ll get a
    ticket on any one morning?
    Select an option:
    a) 0.27
    b) 0.93
    c) 0.73
    d) 0.07
  3. For random variables X and Y, we have Var(X)=1, Var(Y)=4, and Var(2X-3 Y)=34,
    then the correlation between X and Y is:
    a) 1/2
    b) 1/4
    c) 1/3
    d) None of the above
  4. You have two coins. One of them is fair and comes up heads with probability 1/2 and the other is biased and comes up heads with probability 3/4. You randomly pick a coin and flip it twice. You get heads both times. What is the probability that you picked the fair coin?
    • a) 13/32
    • b) 4/13
    • c) 2/13
    • d) 19/32
  5. Which of the following statements is true about PCA?
    • (i) We must standardize the data before applying
    • (ii) We should select the principal components which explain the highest variance
    • (iii) We should select the principal components which explain the lowest variance
    • (iv) We can use PCA for visualizing the data in lower dimensions
    • a) (i), (i1) and (iv).
    • b) (ii) and (iv)
    • C) iii) and (iv)
    • d) (i) and (iii)
  6. The number of solutions for each of the following system of equations is
    • 2x+y-z=4
    • x-2y+z=-2
    • -x+2y-z-2
    • Select an option
    • a) 0
    • b) 1
    • c) Inf
    • d) Can’t be determined
  7. A3-input neuron has weights 1, 4 and 3. The transfer function is linear with the constant of proportionality being equal to 3. The inputs are 4, 8 and 5 respectively. What will be the output?
    • Select an option
    • a) 51
    • b) 153
    • c) 54
    • d) 160 
  8. 8. In medical screening, it is sometimes more important to avoid false negatives than false positives. (1. e., we want to be sure to detect a disease if present). How would this affect the p-value we might use for a medical test?
    • Select an option
    • a) we would choose a higher p-value
    • b) we would choose a lower p-value
    • c) we would choose the same p-value
    • d) false negatives do not depend on p-value
  9. When classifying data with logistic classification, what is the upper bound of the likelihood in the maximum likelihood method? Is this value attainable?
    • a) 1, Yes
    • b) e, No
    • c) 1, No
    • d) 0, Yes
  10. Let M and S? be the mean and variance of a random sample of size > 1 respectively from a normal population with an unknown mean p and unknown finite variance o°>0. Consider the following statements:
    • 1) S? is an unbiased estimator of o”, and S is an unbiased estimator of o.
    • 2) ((n-1)/n)M is an unbiased estimator of 1, and ((n-1)/n)S? is an unbiased
    • estimator of 07.
    • Which of the following statements is/are true?
    • a) 1 only
    • b) 2 only
    • c) Both 1 and 2
    • d) Neither 1 nor 2
  11. If rank(A) is 2 and rank(AB) is 3, then Select an option
    • a) rank(B) = 3
    • b) rank(B) <= 3
    • c) rank(8) >= 3
    • d) data insufficient
  12. The following set of equations has infinite solutions, if a =? xtyt+z=l1 ax -ay+3z=5 5x – 3y + az=6
    • Select an option
    • a) -3
    • b) 3
    • c) -4
    • d) 4 
  13. Suppose you have a dataset with m=50 examples and n=200000 features for each example. You want to use multivariate linear regression to fit the parameters © to our data. Should you prefer gradient descent or the normal equation?
    • a) Gradient descent, since inverse(X’X) will be very slow to compute in the normal
    • equation.
    • b) Gradient descent, since it will always converge to the optimal 0.
    • c) The normal equation, since it provides an efficient way to directly find the solution.
    • d) The normal equation, since gradient descent might be unable to find the optimal ©
  14. The eigen values of a 4×4 square matrix having 0’s as the diagonal elements and 1’s on the off diagonal elements is
    • 2, -2, 0, 0 b) 1, -1, 1, -1 c) 3,1, -1,-1 d) 4, 0, 0, 0
  15. Let A be the 2 x 2 matrix with elements all =al2 =a21 =+1 and a22 = -1. Then the eigenvalues of the matrix A19 are:
    • Select an option
    • a) 1024 and -1024
    • b) 10242 and -1024V2
    • c) 4V2 and -4V2
    • d) 512V2 and -512V2
  16. Given y=x*, what is dy/dx at x = 2? Select an option
    • a) 4(1+log2)
    • b) 4(2+log2)
    • c)4
    • d) 8
  17. 17. If the characteristic equation of a matrix A is t*-t -1 = 0 then Select an option
    • a) A! does not exist
    • b) A’ exists but cannot be determined from the data
    • c)AT=A-I
    • d)AT=A+1 
  18. Assume we are trying to fit the data coming from a cubic function which is corrupted by standard Gaussian noise, using a linear and 5th degree polynomial. Let M1 and M5 denote the models corresponding to the linear and 5th degree polynomial. Then,
    • Select an option
    • a) Bias(M1) < Bias(M5), Variance(M1) < Variance(MS).
    • b) Bias(M1) > Bias(M5), Variance(M1) < Variance(MS).
    • c) Bias(M1) < Bias(M5), Variance(M1) > Variance(MS5).
    • d) Bias(M1) > Bias(MS), Variance(M1) > Variance(MS5). 

Part B – Programming Questions of Amazon ML Summer School

  1. There are three robots named Ray, Ben and Kevin. Initially Ray has a string S of length N.
    while the other two robots have empty strings. We can make either of the following moves:
    Move |: Remove the first character from Ray’s string and append it
    to Ben’s string.
    Move 2: Remove the last character from Ben’s string and append it
    to Kevin’s string.
    You must perform either of the two moves mentioned above in such a way that the strings left
    with Ray and Ben are empty and the string left with Kevin is lexicographically the smallest.
    Your task is to return this lexicographically smallest string that Kevin has after completing
    this activity.
    Note: For any two given strings, a string is said to be lexicographically smaller than the other
    if it comes before the other string in the dictionary
  1. Mean, Median and Mode
    Given ‘n’ integers, find their mean, median and mode.
    You are required to fill in a function that takes as inputs an integer’ input1′ (1) <= input! <=
    1000) and an integer array input2[], containing ‘input1’
    integers, and returns output! as the mean, output2 as the median and output3 as the mode.
    The mean and median must be correct to six decimal places.
    Defined as the average of all numbers in the array
    • Defined as the middle element of the array.
    • If n is even, the median is the average of the two middle elements.
    • If n is odd, the median is the middle element of the array
    • Note: For finding the median, elements in the array have to be listed in numerical order from
    • smallest to largest
    • Mode:
    • Defined as the number in the array with the highest frequency.
    • If many numbers have the same highest frequency, then the mode is calculated by breaking
    • ties in favour of the smallest of the numbers.
    • Input Specification:
    • input1: Integer in the range of 1 <= input] <= 1000, denoting length of
    • input array.
    • input2: Integer input array
    • Output Specification:
    • Return output! (double) variable as the mean
    • Return output2 (double) variable as the median.
    • Return output3 (int) variable as the mode.
    • Example 1:
    • input1: 3
    • input2: {1,2,3}
    • Output: 2.000000, 2.000000, 1
    • Example 2:
    • inputl: 5
    • input2: (41,18467,6334,26500, 19169}
    • Output: 14102.200000, 18467.000000, 41
  1. Minimum Cost to Reach the Destination
    There are N cities in a country. George is initially at the airport in city 1 and he wants to reach city N. For any city i, there is either a flight to city (i+1) or to (i+3) if it exists.
    You have been given an array A with the costs of flight tickets for N cities. To find the cost of a flight ticket between any two cities i and j, you take the absolute difference of the costs of those cities in the array A. You can use the formula |a| = |Cost[i] – Cost[j]] to calculate the cost of a flight ticket, where [al represents the absolute value of a.
    • Your task is to find and return the minimum possible cost of flight ticket required to reach the
    • city N.
    • Note:
    • ¢ The number of cities is always greater than 3.
    • e Assume | based indexing.
    • Input Specification:
    • input1: An integer value N, representing the number of cities.
    • input2: An integer array A, representing the cost of tickets to reach the i” a city.
    • Output Specification:
    • Return the minimum possible cost of flight ticket required to reach the city N.
    • Example |:
    • input1: 4
    • input2: (1,4,5,2)
    • Output: 1
    • Explanation:
    • George takes a flight in the below optimal manner:
    • From city | to city 4, as city 4 is the third next city to city 1 so the cost
      will be |1-2|=1.
      Hence, | is returned as the output.
      Example 2:
      input 1: 6
      input2 (4,12,13,18,10,12)
      Output: 10
      George takes a flight in the below optimal manner: From city | to city 2, the cost will be |4-
    • From city 2 to city 3, the cost will be |12-13] = 1
      . From city 3 to city 6, the cost will be |13-12| = 1
      Therefore, the total cost is 8 + 1 + 1 = 10. Hence, 10 is returned as the output.

Selection Test Format:

The selection test will have two parts – Part A will consist of 20 MCQ on basic ML concepts and math fundamentals on topics such as probability, statistics and linear algebra. Part B will consist of two Programming questions. The overall test duration will be 75 minutes.

Benefits of Amazon ML Summer School 2024

The Amazon ML Summer School is designed to provide a comprehensive learning experience, combining theoretical foundations with practical application. The program will be held over four weekends in July (specific dates to be confirmed) and will encompass the following:

  • Interactive Lectures: Delivered by Amazon scientists, these sessions will cover essential ML concepts, algorithms, tools, and techniques.
  • Hands-on Workshops: Apply your learnings through practical exercises and projects, allowing you to gain hands-on experience in building and deploying ML models.
  • Guest Speaker Sessions: Learn from industry leaders and gain insights into the real-world applications of ML across various sectors.
  • Mentorship Program: Receive personalized guidance and support from experienced Amazon ML professionals throughout the program.

By participating in this program, you will not only gain valuable knowledge and skills but also develop a strong foundation for a successful career in the ever-evolving field of Machine Learning.

How to Apply in Amazon ML Summer School 2024

To Apply for Amazon Free Machine Learning Summer School 2024, CLICK HERE

For Amazon Free Courses, CLICK HERE


Is there a cost to participate?


What are some tips to prepare for the selection test of Amazon ML Summer School ?

The main post offers tips on how to prepare for the different sections of the test, including brushing up on math skills, grasping core ML concepts, and practicing coding.

What is the format of the selection test of Amazon ML Summer School?

The selection process consists of a single online test lasting 60 minutes with MCQs and coding questions (refer to the main post for details).

Will there be a certificate upon completion?

yes you will receive certificate upon completion

Are Amazon’s past, current and incoming interns eligible to participate in this program?

Yes, Amazon’s past, current and incoming interns are eligible to participate in this program.

5. In which mode amazon ml summer school being hosted in 2024?

Amazon ML Summer School will be held virtually in 2024. 


Amazon ML Summer School is a relatively new program (launched in 2* for India). There are no publicly available questions from previous years’ selection tests.We want to thank to Krishan Kumar (Software Engineer at Samsung R&D Institute India) who prepared this massive list of previous year’s question for Amazon ML Summer School India


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