Top 8 Udemy Free Courses 2024: For Everyone, Apply Now


Udemy, a renowned online learning platform, boasts an extensive library of courses – and the best part? Many of them are absolutely free! This comprehensive guide delves into the top 8 Udemy Free Courses for 2024, catering to a wide range of interests and skill sets.

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Top 8 Udemy Free Courses 2024: For Everyone, Apply Now

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About the Udemy

Udemy is an education technology company, founded in May 2010 by Eren Bali, Gagan Biyani, and Oktay Caglar. It is based in San Francisco, California, United States, with hubs in Denver, Colorado; Dublin, Ireland; Austin, Texas; Melbourne, Australia; İstanbul, Turkey, and Gurgaon, India.

As of June 2023, the platform claimed to have 64 million learners, over 210,000 courses, and more than 75,000 instructors teaching courses in nearly 75 languages. The company also claims that more than 50% of the Fortune 100 are Udemy Business customers.

Students take courses primarily to improve job-related skills. Some courses generate credit toward technical certification. Udemy attracts corporate trainers seeking to create coursework for employees of their company.

In 2007, Udemy (you-de-mee, portmanteau of you + academy) founders Eren Bali and Oktay Caglar created a live virtual classroom while living in Turkey. They moved to Silicon Valley to found a company two years later. The site was launched by Bali, Oktay Caglar, and Gagan Biyani in early 2010.

In February 2010, the founders tried to raise venture capital funding, but the idea failed to impress investors and they were rejected 30 times, according to Gagan Biyani. In response to this, they bootstrapped the development of the product and launched Udemy—”The Academy of You”—in May 2010.

Within a few months, 1,000 instructors had created about 2,000 courses, and Udemy had nearly 10,000 registered users. Based on this favorable market reaction, they decided to attempt another round of financing and raised $1 million in venture funding by August.

Eligibility Criteria

Udemy Free Courses for Everyone.

Here Are the Top 8 Udemy Free Courses

1.Java Tutorial for Complete Beginners


Basic fluency with computers


Learn to program in the Java programming language. This course assumes no prior programming knowledge, just a desire to learn to program.

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone who wants to learn Java

Course Link Click Here

2. Introduction To Python Programming

Are you interested in becoming a programmer? Perhaps Python has caught your attention? If you’re looking for a quick brush-up or starting to learn Python for the first time, you’re in the right place!

Let’s begin our journey with one of the most beginner-friendly programming languages available today. Don’t worry if you haven’t coded before. By the end of this course, you’ll be a Python pro!

Python is an amazing and user-friendly language to learn and use. It’s fun and can be adapted for both small and large projects. Python significantly reduces development time, and it’s generally faster to write code in Python compared to other languages.

This course will provide a comprehensive understanding of the key concepts of Python programming. You’ll become a skilled Python programmer in no time!

This course serves as a one-stop-shop, covering everything you need to know to start with Python, and even includes some additional incentives. We’ll begin by covering the basics of Python, including strings, variables, and an introduction to data types. From there, we’ll move on to loops and conditions in Python. Later, we’ll explore file manipulation and functions. By the end of the course, you’ll have a solid foundation in Python.

Course Link Click Here

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3. Web Design for Web Developers: Build Beautiful Websites!

If you wonder how you can make your next website really good-looking, then you’ve come to the right place!

In this course, I will show you 25+ guidelines for amazing web design in less than 1 hour. No boring theory, no unnecessary stuff. You will learn dead simple web design rules and guidelines that go straight to the point — you can use them to improve your websites today!

In this course, we will use beautiful web design examples together with my 25+ guidelines of amazing web design to learn:

• How to make text look professionally designed

• How to correctly use the power of colors

• How to get and use amazing images, fonts, and icons to make your website shine — all for FREE.

• How to create a layout using whitespace and visual hierarchy

• How to keep yourself inspired to learn more and more about web design

• How to make your websites convert better using 8 simple-to-use techniques

But there is even more: I provide you with tons of useful web design resources to get you started for your next web design project! These are real-world resources used by professionals in the web design industry!

You can use the rules and guidelines you’ll learn in this course for everything you want: design your own WordPress theme, personalize a Bootstrap website, start from scratch with HTML and CSS, or mockup a website in Figma. The 25+ guidelines of amazing web design are universal and ready to use for any project.

This course is perfect for experienced web developers who want to learn how to make their websites look beautiful and professionally designed.

Course Link Click Here

4.C++ Tutorial for Complete Beginners

This course teaches you the powerful, fast, and popular C++ programming language from scratch, assuming only basic computer knowledge. If you want to develop apps that squeeze the most power from your computer — high-end desktop games or complex artificial intelligence programs, for instance — or if you want to use a language that let’s you get close to your machine and access all of your computer’s hardware, C++ is the language for you.

While C++ is quite challenging, in this course we’ll learn the basics step by step; towards the end of the course, you’ll learn how to create a beautiful “particle fire” program, including a smattering of the basic principles of the game development.

Course Link Click Here

5. Useful Excel for Beginners

In this course, you will learn the fundamentals of Excel and become an effective user. The target audience for the course is those who have never used Excel before and those who are beginner-level users. You would need a copy of Microsoft Excel for Windows since you will be practicing along with the course. I use Excel 2010 for Windows in the videos but any version with Excel 2007 for Windows or later would work. Excel Versions prior to 2007 have a different user interface but concepts will apply. 

As the course is targeting beginners, it has been developed to be very easy to follow. We will be working with data related to a bookstore in the exercises. The files are available for download and you can follow along the videos while practicing. 

The course covers the topics that you would need to know, to become a functional user. You can download the Table of Contents document from Chapter 1, to see all the topics the course will address. The course has 89 videos and runs for 9.5 hours. 

Course Link Click Here

6. Become an Android Developer from Scratch

“Become An Android Developer From Scratch” is designed to be the best first step to launching your career as an Android Developer. Whether you’ve never programmed before or are coming to mobile development for the first time, if you’re truly inspired to learn Android Development, this is where you need to start.

This course has been in development for over two years, continuously perfected through research and testing in training boot camps throughout the US. It represents a collaboration between a professional educator with over 20 years of experience in helping people learn and a professional mobile developer who has helped companies like Sony, Verizon, and nVidia build stunning mobile applications.

Starting with how the Java programming language works and progressing to advanced Android concepts, you will get expertly produced instruction, visually descriptive explanations of deep concepts, and screencasts that talk you through not just the “how” but also the “why,” and code challenges to test yourself and mark your progress.

Course Link Click Here

7. SEO Training Course by Moz

SEO is the active practice of optimizing a website by improving internal and external aspects to increase the traffic the site receives from search engines. Firms that practice SEO can vary; some have a highly specialized focus, while others take a more broad and general approach. Optimizing a website for search engines can require looking at so many unique elements that many practitioners of SEO (SEOs) consider themselves to be in the broad field of website optimization (since so many of those elements intertwine).

Course Link Click Here

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8. SEO Tutorial for Beginners

SEO tutorial for business owners, web designers, marketers, and anyone looking to broaden their horizons with this highly paid online skill.

Student Testimonial:

From feeling confused to now feeling confident. This course was really great, thank you!” – Emily E Hunt

“Thank you so much for this course. It was very clear and went straight to what we needed to start with SEO.  – Océane Massé

“This course is well-organized, logical, and easy to follow. A helpful introduction to SEO. I was able to watch the course in one tab and make changes to my website to improve the SEO as I took the course. – Diana Hutchinson

In this SEO tutorial for beginners, you’ll learn about the Three Pillars of Powerful SEO:

Keyword Research: How to find keywords that attract visitors who want to buy

On-Page Optimisation: How to increase your site visibility in the search engines

Off-page optimization: How to build authority on your site using links so Google knows you have the best content for its users.

Getting to the top of the search results is the goal of search engine optimization because the higher you appear in the search results, the more free traffic you’ll get which means more sales and more money in your pocket!

Because my goal is to get you up to speed as quickly as possible, I’ve been careful to make the course lectures snappy, efficient, and always delivered in plain English. Throughout the course, I’ve also included lots of examples to help you retain the key concepts and strategies we discuss.

Course Link Click Here

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